Letters From Whitechapel is Back in Print!

WhitechapelCoverFantasy Flight announced today that their Jack The Ripper game Letters From Whitechapel is now back in print. It's a game where one person takes on the role of Jack The Ripper, and up to five other players are Scotland Yard—trying to track down the killer.

In the early days of the blog we reviewed the game, so check that out, and then head down to your FLGS and pick up a copy!

And don't forget: We're giving away a copy of The Great Heartland Hauling Company TOMORROW! You just have to subscribe to the blog over on the right. ----------> If you're already subscribed, you're already entered—and thank you!

Have a great weekend! See you tomorrow for the big winner reveal!

Happy Independence Day! Want Free Stuff?

fireworks- by Jeremiah For those of you who are reading from the US we don't need to tell you that today is the day we celebrate our independence as a country. We are grateful for a country where we have the freedom to write our thoughts, speak our minds, and worship our God! So what better way to celebrate than to eat delicious food, and watch flashy explosions in the sky!? Well blowing up stuff of your own would be fun, except the state of Ohio is one of the few states in America's heartland that doesn't allow its citizens to set off fireworks on their own.


Speaking of the heartland... You can celebrate our country's independence yet another way: by entering to win a free

copy of Jason Kotarski's "The Great Heartland Hauling Co." from Dice Hate Me Games. We couldn't be more excited about that—we really LOVE this game!! How?? I'm glad you asked!

It's simple: This month, as we celebrate our blogiversary, we'll be giving away as much stuff as we can get our hands on! And as our way of thanking our readers, we're giving them away to the folks who have subscribed to the blog.

So, get yourself entered by typing your email address into the box over on the right ------>

And then tell your friends and family about our contest and have them do the same; yes, this does lower your chances of winning yourself, but it makes our little marketing scheme a success and will enable us to keep doing cool stuff like this in the future! (Plus, if your mom wins, she'll probably just give it to you anyway...) If you're already subscribed, then you're already entered; thank you for supporting us during our first year!

Thanks as always for reading! If no one read, we wouldn't be able to do what we do, so we truly do appreciate it. And best of luck in our contest!

Don't forget you can find us all sorts of places on the interwebs: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!!

Happy 4th of July!

Winter Is Coming... Winter Carcassonne, That Is

carc winterAbout a year ago Z-Man Games ended up with the distribution rights to the Carcassonne franchise in the US. There's been a few expansions to come out since then, including a set of 6 mini expansions that each include a tile to a 7th expansion.

Today Z-Man announced the upcoming release of Carcassonne: Winter Edition. The announcement came through their Facebook page; very few details were given except that there will be an included Gingerbread Man expansion.

This appears to be another stand-alone version of the classic tile-laying game—this time around with a wintery, dare I say "Christmasy," theme... This is the first stand alone edition (aside from the base version) that has caught my eye, and will definitely be making its way onto my Christmas list! You can check out the post from Z-Man here.

Thanks so much for reading, and don't forget to subscribe over on the right for a chance to win free stuff!

And look for us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube!

Origins Interview with Smash Up Designer Paul Peterson

cthuluJeremiah was able to catch up with game designer Paul Peterson at Origins, where he introduced us to a new version of Unexploded Cow, talked about Smash Up (including the Cthulhu expansion), and much more!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5_5fXuAxfs]

And don't forget to read our recently released interview with Paul, and Todd Rowland from AEG.

As always you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now YouTube!

It's Our 1-Year Blogiversary!

HeartlandBy Firestone Jeremiah and I met nearly two years ago. He was at my company to attend a mini conference with some youth ministry luminaries. I can't even remember how it came up that we were gamers, but it did. Then, a few months later we met up again at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference, where Jeremiah and his wife introduced me to Quarriors. Once they went home, his wife said, off-handedly, "You guys should write a blog together..."

We thought that was a great idea.

So on July 1, 2012, we started Theology Of Games—with a review of Carcassonne. Over the next few months we started to find our "voice" a little more. And we started some of our more-popular features, such as interviews with people in the gaming world, and our favorite thing: Double-Take Reviews.

But we wouldn't be here if there weren't people reading the blog, so we'd like to sincerely thank you for reading, following, and contributing.

And, of course, we celebrate anniversaries with gifts, right? I think the traditional 1-year gift is...games! (I think every anniversary gift should be games, but my wife completely disagrees with me on that.) Some generous people have kindly donated games for us to give away.

150px-Carcassonne-gameWhat do you have to do to win? Just subscribe to the blog. That's it. Everyone who is already subscribed is automatically entered to win.

And that's not all, the past year has been great, and we're excited to have recently launched our YouTube channel featuring coverage from the Origins Game Fair, and we'll be rolling out more video previews of new and exciting games!

But wait! There's more! Be on the lookout later this month as we'll be launching our very own podcast, which will feature both of your friendly TOG writers, as well as special guests from the gaming world and beyond! Stay tuned for more details and our official release date!

Again we want to thank you, the readers, and all of the warm friendly folks from the gaming world who have welcomed us into this community—we hope to stick around for quite some time!

So make sure you subscribe over on the right. -------> We're giving away some cool stuff, including a copy of The Great Heartland Hauling Company from Jason Kotarski and Dice Hate Me Games!


A Double Take Interview with Paul Peterson and Todd Rowland

cthuluGame designer extraordinaire Paul Peterson is at it again with yet another expansion for the smash title Smash Up! Paul, being the friend of the blog he is, agreed to once again have a cyber chat with us about Smash Up, and he brought along Todd Rowland, Director of Marketing and Senior Brand Manager for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Paul, thanks again for visiting us here at TOG, we’re glad to bring you back for another chat!

And Todd, welcome to the party! Glad you could make it!

So it got leaked a little earlier than AEG had planned. But the cat has escaped the confines of the bag, and word on the street has it that the next Smash Up! expansion will be a Cthulhu theme. 

When the this was revealed, some folks were a little critical of the idea that the expansion is so singular in its focus—that is, that it all revolves around the Cthulhu Mythos. What is the thought process behind that decision, and what would you say to the nay sayers?

Todd: Well, one thing we know that we want to do over time with Smash Up is include the occasional themed-release mixed in among “normal” mixed up releases.  Smash Up relies on tropes (even our own twist on them) and Cthulhu is probably the biggest trope in hobby gaming. So we took on the mythos and put our own spin on it, cracked a few jokes, and weaved it into the Smash Up universe.

Paul: It’s also a mythos that has a lot of room to explore.  It’s not all Cthulhu, there’s other elder gods, the ancient races, and the human factions with different goals.

You’re also adding a new card type to the game; what can you tell us about that?

Paul: Anyone who’s ever read Lovecraft or played a Cthulhu game knows how deeply the theme of madness runs, so I wanted to try to capture that, and a themed expansion seemed like a good place to explore some new mechanics for the game.  So we added a new card type; Madness cards.  No one starts with Madness cards in their deck, they only get added by other cards.

Madness cards are bad for the player. At the end of the game a player gets one less Victory Point for every two Madness cards in their deck, so some factions try to put them into other player’s decks as an attack. However, this isn’t always a bad thing.  Madness cards can be played as an action to draw 2 cards, so you could end up helping the player if they embrace the cards.  Also, as an action a player can get rid of the card altogether, so some factions will just do that to negate the penalty.

Just making them attacks in all four of these factions would have been a little boring, so I made several of the factions actually want them.  Cthulhu has cards that are more powerful, but they have to take a Madness as a penalty, and Miskatonic takes them and then burns them to power their cards.

SU2-Box (1)It seems like Awesome Level 9000 just hit the market and now we have The Obligatory Cthulhu Set. How quickly will we see more expansions coming down the line for Smash Up?

Todd: Our intention at the moment is to have two expansions per year.  We aren’t married to that and it may change, but that’s the working plan right now.  Usually around early spring and September.

What are your favorite factions in Awesome Level 9000? (My [Firestone] 8-year-old’s favorite is definitely the Bears...)

Todd: I like Dinosaur-anything.  Though Dinosaur-Elder Things is a massive power surge.

Paul: It’s hard to pick a favorite, but at the moment I think I’m having the most fun with Steampunk.

Paul, last time we checked in with you, you had a few things in the works—something that involved rolling dice... Any news on that front?

Paul:  I have a bunch of projects going on right now, and the stack just keeps getting bigger.  The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game that I helped develop should be out soon.  I’m still working on the dice game you mentioned, but I keep making massive changes to it, so who knows what will happen with it.  And of course, there’s more Smash Up on the way!

MT-3D-box1-300x215Todd, we chatted with Jason Tagmire about the upcoming release of Maximum Throwdown. We’re super excited about that. Is there anything else exciting coming down the line from Alderac that you can share with us?

Todd:  Well we have Maximum Throwdown which is a blast.  We also have Agent Hunter from Mike Elliot which is a fun, fast deduction game for two players.  We have our Big In Japan line which includes Trains, Love Letter, and many more coming soon such as Cheaty Mages, Sail to India, Mai Star, and... yep Lost Legacy.  People were expecting that I think. We also have some new games we’re discussing with other designers from Japan.  And finally we have our own AEG stuff we’re working on for 2014 but it’s way too soon to spill on those yet.

Todd, you recently announced the Eastern Skies expansion for Nightfall. Can you tell us what that one brings to the table?

Todd: Eastern Skies is very cool!  It introduces some new starting minions, but the main new effect is known as “Link”.  Cards with Link have an effect the moment the are placed in the chain, rather than when it is resolving.  There is also a new wound effect.

5-Questions 5-words to answer them -

Captain America or Thor?

Todd: Captain America all the way.

Paul: Thor!

Autobots or Dinobots?

Todd: Dinobots are a smash up.

Paul: Me, Grimlock, likes Dinobots!

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Todd: Cesar Romero was best Joker.

Paul: Only the blood moon.

Classic Star Trek, The New Generation or J. J. Abrams?

Todd: I really prefer Star Wars.

Paul: I like them all.

Favorite bacon-based meal?

Todd: Mushroom Chicken wrapped in bacon.

Paul: Bacon wrapped prawns.

Gentlemen, thanks so much for talking with us. We’re excited to see what you have in store for us in the future!

You can find Paul on twitter @Warewolf00 and Todd is on Twitter as well @ToddRowland

Thanks for joining us for this special interview here on TOG, we had a chance to catch up with Paul during the Origins Game Fair, and we'll be posting that video soon as well!

As always you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now YouTube!

More Great Stuff In the Works...

SU2-Box (1)Hey everyone! We just wanted to take a few minutes and let you know that there is still a ton of content coming your way from Origins Game Fair 2013. I (Jeremiah) am busy editing away to get more of our new Theology of Games Visual content ready for YouTube; we'll also have a bunch of really cool photos to share, and more! Also, over the next two days I'll be shooting our first video previews of two games. And we've got more interviews on the way than you can shake a stick at. (Unless you had multiple sticks and were coordinated enough to shake them simultaneously.)

And that's not to mention all of the reviews we'll be publishing in the very near future:

  • Viticulture
  • Dungeon Heroes
  • Mayday Crokinole Board Cases
  • Chicken Caesar
  • Epic Death
  • Ancient Terrible Things
  • Drive Them Back!
  • Smash Up - Awesome Level 9000
  • Guile
  • Incredi-brawl
  • and more!!

Expect more cool stuff to start pouring from the page really soon, and until then...why not subscribe over on the right ----->

And don't forget to head to our YouTube channel and see all the great stuff there, subscribe, and maybe even click on a thumbs up or two!

Thanks for reading as always, and don't forget the Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram things!

Get Your Game On! June 21-2013

Come play games with us at the Root! This Friday, June 21st from 7-11 will be a night of tabletop gaming at the Root Cafe, hosted by me: Jeremiah Isley.

This will be our second monthly meeting and I'm working away in the background for a few special surprises, so stay tuned for more information there!

The Root Cafe, is a great little coffee shop in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. My wife and I go there often to relax, chat, and write, and through our frequent visits we've gotten to know the manager, Karolyn, fairly well. The Root is packed with great atmosphere, delicious beverages, and some great tables for gaming! I pitched the idea of a game night to Karolyn and she was all for it!

What we're hoping to accomplish with these gatherings is to introduce the hobby to folks who may think of Monopoly when you mention board games, and also give folks who are into the hobby a fun, relaxed, welcoming atmosphere to enjoy their gaming and the chance to meet other folks in the area who share the same interests.

We'll be playing -

Plus a few prototypes of unreleased games! (More info on this coming soon!)

I would love to meet you, and game with you; if you're nearby please come on out!

The Root is located at - 852 W Bath Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH.

You can find out more about the Root Cafe here. 

Thanks so much for reading, check back soon for more coverage from Origins Game Fair—or better yet subscribe over on the right for our emails! And don't forget, we're on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Origins Stand-Outs, From Guest Blogger Josh Sepos

guildhallThere were two standouts for me at Origins this year: Guildhall from AEG, and Line of Fire by Jason Tagmire. The latter of the two had a limited release through Kickstarter but is probably  one of the best quick-plays out there! I ended up snagging Guild Hall because I thought  it was so good—and hope to get my hands on Line of Fire sometime soon!

Lets start with Guildhall. It's a strategy card game, with set-collection and hand-management mechanics, set in the medieval time period. Players vie for victory points by completing various sets, comprised of different character cards, each of which has five colors. Once all the colors of one card are completed, the player can use that (and at times multiple sets) to purchase a victory point(s) card. Players start with seven cards, three of which are placed in front of them, starting their guild. The other four can be used in a series of two actions on each player’s turn, or can be discarded (alone or together) to draw more cards. Each character card, when played, allows a different action, or power—stealing from another player’s guild, drawing cards, extra actions, and so on...sometimes even combined! As more of a single character card is played the effect grows, so two or four Assassins or Scholars allow for greater and greater advantages for the player (this is true for all character cards).

So now that I gave you all a rough explanation...my impressions!

Well...I bought it! It reminded me some of Carnival by Dice Hate Me Games, in the way you're completing sets in order to achieve a greater goal, however the game is much deeper! The variety of effects the cards have can dramatically change your, or your opponents', game. In theory, all 2-4 players could do their own thing, rarely taking jabs at one another, and only when they must—based on their hand. But it's much more fun to steal another players guild card that would have gained them a victory point! To get the most out of the game, plan on going after one another and chatting it up to get each other a little aggressive—it makes for a more interesting game. Another separation from Carnival is that there are no dice, making for a more uniform experience with just the card element; we all picked it up and were going strong after about 10-15 minutes. I believe it would be great for family play, but the theme also allows for some more hardcore gamers to appreciate it, especially in between play of two more-intense games. The victory points needed to win are set at 20, but you can shorten or lengthen your game by shrinking or increasing that. We played the expansion, Job Faire, at Origins, which can be integrated or played as a separate game. I bought the original but plan on buying the expansions after some of us get to play this one a few times.

Okay...maybe the best for last. I LOVED LINE OF FIRE! Jason Tagmire should receive high praise for this game; it was amazing. The game is a strategy card game, with some hand-management elements. Each player has a castle they're trying to defend—its hit points counted on a 20-sided die. Players play down their hand (five cards), which is comprised of defenders and attack cards. The cards are perfectly square, and four will match the length of the castle. Players play various unit types of varying strengths, indicated by a number of arrows at the top of the card. When an attack card is played, simple math (arrows versus arrows) decides the victors across the board. If the lines of defense are broken down and the castle is hit, it removes hit points from the die. Once both players play through their hands, then they draw back up to five, starting each round alternately. Players play cards one at a time in turn, and attack cards can be played in place of a unit card; I found this to be both advantageous and maddening! There were times Jason and I would play an attack card just as our defenses were going up, causing damage to one of our castles or the loss of several units due to the strength of ours. It also made for quick play and constant thrill, knowing that at any moment your opponent could attack. This was probably one of the best game mechanics I have seen in a while. Too often I'm sitting with superior forces, cards, waiting to attack in a game, but end up waiting for the end of the round allowing my opponent to gather enough forces or some special something to kill me. It was great feeling like I was in control. It also made for quick play—some forces would be played, and before you know it we're at each others throats! The simplicity was bliss! I loved the design. Jason had an interesting story on how the game was made, and I hope that it is picked up or invested in further to make a game with a little more polish. The only mechanism that Jason and I both thought might use a little work is the fact that both players are drawing from the same deck, but that's still not terrible. I was getting a ton of cool unit cards and was able to smash Jason one game. We discussed having a bag of the unit card/tiles to draw from, or even each player having their own equal deck. I loved this game—perfect for a 20-30-minute brawl with a buddy, and I look forward to playing it again!

Thanks Josh for sharing your thoughts, and thank you for reading! Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

And don’t miss a single TOG post! Subscribe via email over on the right!

Origins Awards Winners

waterdeepYou might remember we had some real issues with some of the choices for the Origins Awards nominees—we even had the illustrious Tom Vasel chime in on the article. Well, despite our issues, the Origins Game Fair announced the winners of the 39th Annual Origins Awards. (We've included all categories, for ease and completeness.Best Board Game Lords of Waterdeep – Wizards of the Coast

Best Family, Party or Children's Game Quarriors! Dice Building Game – WizKids

Best Collectible Card Games Legend of the 5 Rings: Embers of War – AEG

Best Traditional Card Game Doctor Who the Card Game – Cubicle 7 Entertainment/Treefrog Games

Best Gaming Accessory Metal Steampunk Dice Set – Q Workshop

Best Miniatures Rules The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Campaign Starter Set – WizKids

Best Historical Miniature Figure/Line Ancient Greeks - Victrix Ltd

Best Historical Board Games Samurai Battles – Zvezda

Best Historical Miniature Rules Supplement Flames of War: Nuts – Battlefront Miniatures

Best Historical Miniature Rules Flames of War: Open Fire! – Battlefront Miniatures

Best Miniature Figure Line Marvel HeroClix: Galactic Guardians – WizKids

Best Game-Related Publication Battletech: Weapons Free – Catalyst Game Labs

Best Roleplaying Game Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Basic Games – Margaret Weis Productions

Best Roleplaying Supplement Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Civil War Essentials Edition Event Book – Margaret Weis Productions

Hall of Fame Game Inductees Munchkin – Steve Jackson Games Dominion – Rio Grande Games

Hall of Fame Inductees Lisa Stevens, Paizo Publishing Loren Coleman, Catalyst Game Labs

Thanks for reading! And stay tuned for more coverage of Jeremiah's trip to Origins. And don't forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram.