Happy Tabletop Day!

Happy Tabletop Day!

If you didn't know by now, today is International TableTop Day, an international holiday created by TableTop host and geek ambassador Wil Wheaton. Folks are encouraged to share a game with friends, family and maybe a complete stranger or two along the way, in an effort to promote the hobby and the social interaction that seems to be missing in this digital world. We're sure most of you are busy playing and not reading blog posts today, but we thought we'd ask you what you're playing today? Also, we thought it would be helpful to point out that: in order to help celebrate the day, Amazon has put some great classics on sale at huge discounts. You can find them all by clicking this link, right here!

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'You Weren't on Any Mercy Mission...' The Tantive IV!

'You Weren't on Any Mercy Mission...' The Tantive IV!

--by Jeremiah One of my favorite ships in the entire Star Wars universe has been re-created for the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game by Fantasy Flight Games. In an announcement Friday, April 4 Fantasy Flight unveiled details and images of the renowned CR90 Corellian Corvette. Check out more info below the jump!

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You Say You Want a Reformation: Coup is Expanding!

You Say You Want a Reformation: Coup is Expanding!

By Firestone Hot on the heels of their successful Coup campaign of last year, Indie Boards and Cards have just launched a Kickstarter campaign for Coup: Reformation.

The game funded almost immediately, and sits just under $60,000 as I type this. They've decided to make everything easy here: If it funds (and it did), every stretch goal is immediately unlocked. Why are they still calling them stretch goals, then? I HAVE NO IDEA!

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Fantasy Flight Brings Us a New LCG: Warhammer 40K

Fantasy Flight Brings Us a New LCG: Warhammer 40K

The LCG model must be paying off for Fantasy Flight because they've just announced a brand-new one...

The new game is Warhammer 40,000: Conquest, by designer Eric M. Lang. It's a 2-player game that has you in the position of warlord fighting for control of a sector.

According to the press release:

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Commemorate D-Day with a New Memoir '44 Expansion

Commemorate D-Day with a New Memoir '44 Expansion

By Firestone Days of Wonder released Memoir '44 nearly 10 years ago--on the 60th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of WWII. On their 10th anniversary, and the 70th anniversary of D-Day, they're releasing a new expansion for their hit game.

Memoir '44: D-Day Landings is a set of six large battle maps that you'll use to recreate some of the pivotal battles of that fateful day. According to the News on Days Of Wonder's site:

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What Are Your Thoughts on the Golden Geek Awards?

Golden geekLast Thursday over on the Geek they announced the winners of their annual awards: the Golden Geeks. So we thought this week we would share the list of winners, give a hardy congratulations, and see what everyone else thought about the list of winners: Were there any surprises? snubs? head-scratchers? Let's take a look!

The list of tabletop games looks like this:

Game of the Year: Terra Mystica

Best Abstract Game: Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends

Best Card Game: Love Letter

Best Wargame: 1775: Rebellion

Best Children's Game: Forbidden Desert

Best Party Game: Love Letter

Best Print and Play Game(s): Tiny Epic Kingdom and Coin Age

Best Two Player Game: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

Best Strategy Game: Terra Mystica

Best Thematic Game: Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island

Best Family Game: Love Letter

Best Expansion: Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport

Best Art & Presentation: Mice and Mystics

Most Innovative: Love Letter

Love Letter walked away with four Geeks this year, the most of any other game. Love Letter is certainly basking in the golden light of last week's announcement; we've definitely seen some polarizing opinions on the game, including our own Firestone's review of the game. While many of the games on the list are no shock,  there are also a few games that didn't make the list that made our Top Ten list this year, including the Spiel des Jahres winner Hanabi. So we'd like to hear from you: What games got snubbed, what games are you picking up after seeing this list of winners, and what games surprised you by walking away with a Geek this year?

Thanks for reading, and commenting!

You can subscribe to TOG by filling in your email over on the right, we'd also love to connect with you on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube and of course there's more TOG where this came from on our Podcast!

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Play a Game on April 5th: International TableTop Day

thumbs_tabletopday2014_600x500In case you haven't heard, International TableTop Day is Saturday, April 5.  This is an event created by TableTop host Wil Wheaton that encourages people to get together and play games with friends, family, and strangers. Last year there were 3,123 gaming events in 64 countries worldwide, and they're hoping to blow the doors off of that this year.

You can go to the TableTop Day Web site and register an event, find an event, and get all of the details.

And the fine folks at TableTop asked us to write a guest blog; you can check out our post while you're over there!

Thanks for reading! Will you be attending an International TableTop Day event? Did you go last year? Let us know in the comments!

You can subscribe to TOG by filling in your email over on the right, we'd also love to connect with you on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube and of course there's more TOG where this came from on our Podcast!

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